I heart essential oils

Nice smelling and relaxation are some of the most familiar uses for essential oils. But many go beyond that and an be really useful to create a chemical free and natural home. They are all natural antiseptics, astringents, disinfectants and much more.

My favorites are:
A few drops of Lavender oil in my palm  for relaxation,  clearing my sinuses and
headache relief
Tea tree oil in water is an anti-bacterial cleanser for surfaces and the body (make sure its a really mild solution for skin).
A few drops of Peppermint oil in the corners of my apartment and cabinets repels insects and bugs
A couple of drops of Bergamot in a scent diffuser, (or in a small ceramic cup placed on a steam heater) freshens up any space.

Here are some great articles on essential oils from Yoganynomous.


From: http://yoganonymous.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-essential-oils-infographic/

For more information on using essential oils see:


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